A rich experience at Bayfront Hotel


BAYFRONT Hotel Cebu, with its commitment to provide an exceptional quality of hospitality service, and outstanding guest experiences, has been recognized and awarded by various hospitality partners.

Last 14 April  Booking.com awarded Bayfront Hotel Cebu for excellent quality of hospitality service based on real guest experiences and reviews for the year 2015. Moreover, the hotel has been consistently receiving this award since 2014.

Another hospitality partner, Agoda, one of the biggest online hospitality booking provider, awarded Bayfront Hotel Cebu the Golden Circle Award for 2015. Plus, the hotel is also a recipient of Expedia’s Outstanding Performance Award for 2014.

Truly, Bayfront Hotel Cebu is a multi-awarded hotel experience with its friendly and amiable staff, and the amenities that you can find in a five-star accommodation, at a three-star price./PR