Pimp shot by ‘customer’

A PIMP was shot by an unidentified man in downtown Cebu City on the dawn of June 12.

Marlalyn Amorado, 43, sustained a gunshot wound on the back of her head and was immediately brought to the Cebu Adventist Hospital for treatment.

Witness Maricel Labrado said she was walking along Magallanes Street with her live-in partner when the suspect appeared from behind and shot Amorado. The suspect who was riding a bicycle fled to an unknown direction.

Further investigation conducted by the Waterfront Police Station 3 and the Cebu City Police Office revealed that the gunman was a customer of a certain “Kim,” the sex worker Amorado was pimping.

The suspect was allegedly dissatisfied by Kim’s service and asked for a refund from Amorado but the latter did not return the money. /UP Cebu Intern Patrick Byron G. Gattoc