Talkshow tackles parenting issues

PMDS PARENTING TALKSHOW. From left: PMDS President Dr. Rouel Longinos with guest speakers Dr. Maristela Remitar, Jasmin Inting-Machacon and Maria Theresa Alcala, and college professor Gianne Rensen Antonio.  contributed

PMDS PARENTING TALKSHOW. From left: PMDS President Dr. Rouel Longinos with guest speakers Dr. Maristela Remitar, Jasmin Inting-Machacon and Maria Theresa Alcala, and college professor Gianne Rensen Antonio.

THE Patronage of Mary Development School (PMDS), a privately-owned institution in Boljoon town, southern Cebu, held its biannual parents’ conference last June 30 at the school’s auditorium.

With the theme, “Parenting: Imperatives and Perspectives,” the event aimed at making parents understand their crucial role in the holistic development of their children.

In a talkshow format hosted by lecturer Gianne Rensen Antonio, the guest speakers shared their personal stories and insights on a multitude of issues such as discipline, communication skills, behavioral disorders, academic motivation, bullying, use of the Internet and addiction to computer gaming, among others.

Preschool teacher Jasmin Inting-Machacon underscored the importance of politeness and gratitude among children as lifelong habits.

A self-confessed ‘stage mother’ and entrepreneur Maristela Remitar shared techniques in boosting the confidence levels and emotional intelligence of school children and in ensuring that parents themselves serve as the most effective role models.

Maria Theresa Alcala, a Boljoanon public servant and mother of two PMDS graders, identified her own parenting style and revealed her secrets in raising top-performing learners.

PMDS President Dr. Rouel Longinos, meanwhile, assured that the school is open 24/7 for parents who seek professional assistance in improving their parenting skills.

“You have your own ways in raising your children. We respect what style or which practice you deem effective. Our goal is to forge strong partnership in bringing out the best in your children,” Dr. Longinos said in his closing statement.