Osmeñas celebrate granddaughter’s birthday with Parian kids

Miguel Osmeña carries his daugther Ana Margarita Victoria who celebrated her 2nd birthday at the Pari-an Drop in Center while her mother, Bea, carries the cake.(CDN PHOTO/LITO TECSON)

Miguel Osmeña carries his daugther Ana Margarita Victoria who celebrated her 2nd birthday at the Pari-an Drop in Center while her mother, Bea, carries the cake.(CDN PHOTO/LITO TECSON)

TEN kids sang “happy birthday” to celebrant Anna Margarita Victoria “Anita” Osmeña amid a backdrop of balloons and a cartolina sign bearing a birthday greeting at one corner of the Parian Drop In Center at 4 pm Wednesday.

It was the second time that the granddaughter of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña and Councilor Margot Osmeña celebrated her birthday with kids at the Parian Drop In Center.

Miguel said they chose the Pari-an Drop In Center as venue of Anita’s second birthday celebration because it was close to the heart of his mother, Councilor Osmeña.

Miguel said he also wanted Anita to appreciate the kids at the center who are either victims of abuses or were abandoned by their parents.

Members of the Osmeña family that include Mayor Osmeña, Councilor Osmeña, Miguel, his wife Bea and Anita arrived at the center shortly after 4 p.m.

The children were treated to snacks like fried chicken and spaghetti. They also received loot bags that contained toys, candies and chocolates from the birth celebrant.