Rainbow of Happiness

Wow! That’s the most beautiful rainbow I’ve ever seen in my life,” Daniel exclaimed as he stepped out of the tent after the rain stopped.

“Really? How so?” Charlie asked.

“As a photographer, this is my first time to see it,” Daniel pulled his camera from his knapsack.

“So how unique is this one?” Charlie put on his cap and leaned lightly on his walking cane.

“Just hold on a sec, I wanna catch this one while it’s there,” a flock of “clicks” started to fill the air.

After a few minutes, he stopped, sighed with satisfaction and continued absorbing the natural wonder.

“It’s hard to come by a rainbow whose colors come out so vividly and color the surroundings,” he described.

“Blind man’s terms pleeease,” Charlie poked him with his cane.

“Sorry, dude,” he nudged Charlie’s shoulder.

“Thanks for understanding, man!”

“It’s the balance I’m more interested in. The sun’s light does not….”

“What is light?” Charlie said with a philosophical tone.

“Hey, not fair! How am I supposed to translate ‘light’ into brail, Charles?”

“Just kidding, Daniel. Please continue.”

“Look, let’s just say it’s an amazing scene, okay?”


“But seriously Charles, how can someone blind enjoy what others see, dude?”

“I don’t have to see it, Daniel.”

“Oh, come on! Really?”

“Yes, I can see the rainbow of your happiness!”

* * *

This episode reminded me about what the Fox told the Little Prince: “What is essential is invisible to the eye!” But even invisible things have a way of revealing themselves for us to discover how they are essential. One such reality that is important, but not all too invisible, is happiness.

Happiness is an important component of man’s life. Man is the only being that is aware that he is made for happiness in this life, and in his innermost longings, for an eternal joy in the life after. A person who is not happy or has lost his happiness means many things. Often, it is due to having lost some good in one’s past or present, or an anxiety of not having it in the future. And an unhappy person somehow has lost a part of his identity.

Pope Francis says that “the identity card of the Christian is joy: the joy of the Gospel, the joy of having been chosen by Jesus, saved by Jesus, regenerated by Jesus; the joy of the hope that Jesus is waiting for us, the joy that — even in the crosses and sufferings of this life — is expressed in another way, which is peace in the certainty that Jesus is accompanying us, that he is with us. A Christian makes that joy grow through trust in God” (Homily, St. Martha, 23-V-2016).

A Christian, therefore, has no reason to be sad. In fact, he has a mission to make others discover and experience the true source of his happiness as Pope Francis described. Happiness becomes an invisible reality that a Christian must make visible in varying shades and hues through his own unique circumstances through the day.

One of the most concrete ways to make this happiness shine is through a smile. A smile may seem to be the most natural thing to do. But more often than not, we find it very difficult to naturally express it especially in trying moments and with certain people we find difficult being with.

L. Lovasik excellently describes what a smile is and what it can do:
“A smile is one of nature’s best means of making people happy. One of the most delightful factors in a personality is a real heartwarming smile that comes from within. Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, ‘I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.’ If you do not feel like smiling, smile anyway; make yourself smile. A smile costs nothing, but creates much.… Become a member of the Apostolate of Smiling. Your smile has work to do for God because it is an instrument for winning souls.… With a smile, you can bring new life and hope and courage into the hearts of the weary, the overburdened, the discouraged, the tempted, and the despairing. Your smile can prepare the way for a sinner’s return to God” (The Hidden Power of Kindness).

We don’t lose anything by always smiling! In every smile there are two realities: the inner one that we first display before God and the outer one that becomes the most sincere manifestation of the former. This double effort manages to outshine the shadows of our hurts, misunderstandings and grudges our hearts may harbor. And in time is purified and hallowed by the presence of God and love for neighbor.

So always S.M.I.L.E., as I always love to share, because it stands for: Simply Means I Love Everyone