
Animals or insects are not designed in the image of God. We are. We were gifted with a will to choose between right and wrong. We have a conscience, the animals don’t. We can talk and feel. They can’t.

So why did God make them?

Proverbs 16 says, “The LORD has made everything for its purpose.”

I remember reading a post on Facebook that confirms this. Thanks to my friend, Norie Ruiz. The message is this, “God created turtles to remind us to slow down; ants to remind us about little things; and the sky to remind us to look up and pray; He created us to remind us how beautiful life can be…”

I took a double look. Reflected. And said “True.”

All of God’s creation have a purpose. We just have to find what it is.

I am sure the turtles don’t really know they’re teaching us to go slow. Ants don’t have an idea that they’re teaching us that even little things can achieve something. Of course the sky can’t feel that its beauty can make us pray.

But all these would go to waste if there is no one who will enjoy them or learn from them.

That’s why we were created — to enjoy each other’s beauty because we were all made to give pleasure to God, too.

So when we wake up in the morning, smile even if we don’t like what we see in the mirror. Let’s remind ourselves that God made us to enjoy us as He enjoys us, too. We were made for God’s pleasure.

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

That’s from my favorite prose poem, Desiderata, by American writer Max Ehrmann. This masterpiece never fails to give me comfort and encouragement and build so much positivism in life. It reminds us how to live life, how to engage in peace on earth and peace within our soul. It simply says to be true to ourselves and be kind always.

I know it’s not easy to be peaceful, happy and kind when every day, we have to face all kinds of challenges — traffic, work pressure, 0-budget, crumbling relationship, sickness and frustration.

But hey, don’t forget who we are.

We are God’s creation, so we are valuable. I always believe that we are not an accident. God planned our life before we were born. Even babies born out of wedlock, they too have a story.

So if we are in God’s blueprint, then our future is secured just as David said and captured in Psalm 31, “You are my God. My future is in Your hands.”

Being a widow for almost 20 years is no joke. I’ve gotten the creases on my forehead as evidence of the hard toil that I’ve been through.
But you know, life is not really hard if you involve God.

Don’t think we can solve things on our own, that we don’t need help. Be humble and surrender to God and you will see. He will help us carry our heavy load.

When our yoke is heavy, let’s call out to Him. Be courageous in facing the problems that come, but stay confident that God is in control. Then you’ll see, everything will be all right.

One day, even amidst financial problems, I found myself smiling and telling God, “ I will survive, by God’s grace. You’ll not let me down. Everything’s going to be okay.”

And today, I look back and indeed, it is okay.

Life is beautiful with God in front to lead us, by our side to comfort us and behind us to hold us if we fall. So stay happy.
“With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” (Desiderata, copyright 1952)
