LISTEN to the Lure of the Mermaid’s Call. As they say, children are great imitators. If we want them to learn life lessons, start while they’re young. What better way of teaching them to love nature and protecting the environment, especially our seas and oceans is, than by letting them experience being like one of its legendary aquatic inhabitant—the Mermaid!
Mermaids inhabit our folklore tales when we were young. Still, some people say mermaids are really sightings of “dugong” or a medium-sized marine mammal.
The ocean is the largest body of water where our source of food like fish and other marine staples come from. When we have a clean body of water, we are also assured of clean and fresh air to breathe for our children.
Truly, there’s no harm in giving in to the lure of the Mermaid’s call when we can help inculcate in the young the value of protecting and caring for our environment before it can become non-existent. /PR