USP-F Intrams Aug 28

THE University of Southern Philippines Foundation (USPF) celebrates its Founder’s Day and Intramurals August 28 where different colleges and departments compete on different sports.

This year, the Founder’s Day and Intramurals will run from August 28 to September 2, 2016 with the theme “USPF: Embracing 21st Century Education in Transforming Lifelong Learners as Global Professionals.”

There will be a Mass and Floral Offering for the founder’s birthday on the 28th to be followed by a Memorial Lecture for the faculty at the university theatre.

A motorcade and parade of athletes will be held in the morning of the 29th followed by the search for Mr. & Ms. Intramural 2016 whose winners shall embody the core values of a true USPian. Intramural competitions will commence in the afternoon.

A cheer dance competition will also be held on the 29th to be participated by the College of Engineering, College of Pharmacy, College of Education, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business Management, and the Junior and Senior High School Division at the Eladio Villa Gymnasium.

Other events to be contested are scrabble, chess, athletics, basketball, volleyball, soccer baseball and dancesport.

Championship games and the awarding of the different winners will be on Spet. 2. /Ryzyl Normyth T. Mangubat