A BROADCASTER said the Abu Sayyaf bandit captured by the police didn’t look anywhere near like the bandit who was shown in the wanted posters issued by the authorities.

He said unless the suspected bandit underwent cosmetic surgery, he would have to look like the one in the posters even if the suspect lost or gained a few pounds.

As an example/side comment, the broadcaster said he would still look like himself if his photo was plastered on a wanted poster even if he aged a few years or so.

“Aw, sa kinaraan itsurahan man ta og mestizo bah (Aw, before I had mestizo features),” the broadcaster known for his wily humor said.


An official whose office will conduct an assessment of the city schools to determine if they are qualified for a City Hall program was quick to single out one school as already deserving for inclusion.

“That school had been victimized by politics,” the official said. Those in the know could only wink at each other since the school used to be headed by an official aligned with the administration.


A report by the regional Population Commission on the rising number of teenage pregnancies drew mixed reactions from netizens, with some saying it is high time that safe sex be taught as part of sex education in schools.

But there were others who said it’s the fault of parents for allowing their kids to go astray, and it is up to them to inculcate Christian values in them.

“For starters, limit their exposure to TV, cable, the internet and social media,” one netizen advised.