Netizens gave mixed reactions to a Supreme Court (SC) ruling that affirmed the petition for a Writ of Kalikasan on the Inayawan Landfill which ordered the Cebu City government to stop dumping garbage there.

Former councilor Ma Nida Cabrera said, “Its not a big deal anymore , the city is doing its part to fully close with a new system, the city was able to divert its disposal through private contracting for final treatment, a massive campaign for segregation was done just to reduce at source, plan for rehabilitation just started and making its way for its final use. A pre-feasibility study conducted by Mott McDonalds of Singapore commissioned by ADB is on the 3rd phase of the study to come up for a right solution in managing the Cebu City SWM. God be with us.”

A netizen named Zosimo Baladya wrote, “Very good and very clear order from the Supreme court. But how about temporary dumping?”

While Enrique DelaRosa San Juan commented, “When petitions like this are filed, they must provide a solution as well. It’s like solving a problem, only to create a bigger problem.

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