3 simple things you can do to protect animals this Earth Day

We are constantly bombarded with reminders that our planet and the species living here are in trouble.

There are melting ice caps, toxic chemicals in the air, pesticides in out food, and species going extinct… yep, theses truths are overwhelming.

This Earth Day, let’s remember that even small changes can make a difference if we commit to them and make them part of everyday lifestyle.

1. Plant local flowers to help feed declining honey bee population.

Some favorites are cosmos, asters, sunflowers, marigold, primulas, cornflowers, Lavender, and Bluebells.

2. Save Water

There are so many ways we can use less water in our daily lives: water your garden in the early morning or evening, turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, or even look at installing a rainwater tank.

3. Avoid using plastic bags to help protect marine life.

Sea turtles like this Hawksbill often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and eat them causing injury and death.