Are you officially a ‘Tita’?

Let it out, pretty Tita of Cebu!

CEBU CITY, Philippines–The word “Tita” has now evolved into not just being an endearment but rather something that indicates that you have already grown apart from your teenage self.

Young adults are now practicing the “Tita” culture in which they turn down late-night partying to just sipping coffee or even just staying in for the night.

I bet you are thinking right now if unknowingly you are already slowly unleashing the “Tita” in you.

Let’s check it out:

No more weekly partying— if your perfect idea of spending your Friday night is just to sip a cup of good coffee with friends or sipping on a glass of wine, rather than going on a full-blown party mode, then, yes, there’s already a Tita in you.

A different kind of hangout— before the usual hangout is just you and your girlfriends, but now, the hangout already involves some of your friends’ mini-mes. Exactly, before it’s just a table full of loudmouths talking and gossiping, now, there are certain word restrictions because of the little ears around you.

Perfect attendance on those 3-day sales— if those big signs excite you and go straight directly to the home depot or house decor department, it looks like the Tita in you has already been awake. Go have fun and don’t forget to use those points and coupons!

Lights off at 10 p.m.— gone are the days that you could stay up to three in the morning just scrolling through your phone, maybe, by reading a book. This time no matter how you try to fight it, your body feels weak when the clock strikes 10 or sometimes earlier. Don’t fight it, going to bed early is also a good thing anyway.

Bag full of ointments— before bags are filled with makeup items, combs, shades and everything for glamming up, but if you are already a Tita, your bag becomes full of ointments and medicine, from those white flower bottles to those which you can rub on your head. Titas are known to always carry these around because some of the Titas are already very prone to headaches and can easily get dizzy. So, if you smell these familiar scents around you, you might want to check the Tita beside you.

Demure looks — now that you are a young professional, your eyeglass is not just for your eyes anymore, but used as a headband for the most time. Dresses are more conservative than the usual short dresses. Sandals are now with at least an inch of heels or loafers. Titas would always love to look good and look fresh, hence, they are those, who attend yoga classes and those who often go to the gym.

Straying away to our old habits is not a bad thing, it’s just that in today’s time people are quick to associate things with things and can really come up with something new and funny at the same time.

So if you choose to be a “Tita” and just chill and lounge around, go for it! /dbs