FACES OF CEBU: Jay Kummer “Dodoy” Teberio, 24

“No matter how far I have reached or have become, I will never stop helping my Mom sell bottled water because this is where it all started. This helped me finish my studies. This played a huge part in making me who I am today.

My heart is always in teaching. I’m now teaching in a high school institution in Consolacion town. I think that it is my mission to inspire other people especially the young ones.

I am still here selling bottled water when I do not have class or during holidays. Sometimes, I’m invited to do hosting gigs or give motivational talks to the youth in different places. I would talk about life and share to them how I strived so hard to reach my dreams.

I want to continue to inspire the youth that poverty is not a hindrance to success. It may be a cliché but if you have a dream or a goal, you should work hard for it.

There will always be tough times but keep in mind that nothing so essentially great comes very easy.”