Bouncing back from being ghosted? Here’s how

CEBU CITY, Philippines—Ghosting.

No, we are not talking about those other beings we cannot see, but rather the phenomenon that is rampant today.

Ghosting is when you leave someone hanging and confused after letting them feel you are invested and you feel something for them.

Honey, that’s bad.

Read more: Word of the day, ‘Ghosting’

So if you have been ghosted by someone you like, here’s a thing or two on how you can bounce back:

  1. Face the pain— yes, he or she left you hanging, and yes, that hurts like hell. This is the main reason why you should face the pain, the sooner you face it the sooner you’ll understand the situation and the faster you can move on. Face the problem head-on.
  2. Talk about it— talk about it to the people you trust most. They will help you get through it by just listening to your whines and wiping the tears in your eyes. The more you talk about it the faster you can realize how feeling down and lonely over someone who ditched you is not worth it at all.
  3. Smile and move forward— this is hard to do, we know, but letting them think you are okay after what they did to you will make them think that what they did to you, did not really affect you. Let them wonder why you’re still smiling and let them wonder why you are not mopping around. A coward like him or her is not worth your precious tears.
  4. Let it go— after a week or two of being ghosted, it is time for you to just let it go and start bouncing back. The longer you hold on to the thought that he or she might return the more time you are wasting in going out and keeping yourself sane. Stop hoping for them to come back, it’s time for you to stand and start moving.
  5. Go out and have fun— time to meet new people or time to just unwind. The world has a lot to offer and the world is not that bad after being ghosted, you know. It is time for you to get out there, shine and open your doors again, but this time be careful and take it slow.

Those who ghost around are cowards, why? Because they can’t stand up and just say their goodbyes head-on.

So, don’t cry over cowards, you are more than just the person who got ghosted. /dbs