Here’s why travelling light is a real lifesaver

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Who doesn’t love to travel?

Going to places that we’ve never been before has been made easy with the offering of promos by the different airline companies in the country.

Sea travel is also very accessible with the opening of more inter-island routes.

So, what are you waiting for? The Christimas holiday is perfect for your next trip.

But as you plan your travel itinerary, it would be best to also plan what to bring with you.

Travelling with a huge luggage or with plenty of bags to carry may not be a wise idea.

Here are some tips why travelling light is a real lifesaver:

  1. You’ll feel secure— bringing one backpack on a one week trip can give you a sense of security. You’ll feel safe and secured with the things you brought to the trip because you get to carry them around with you if you please.
  2. Makes you shop smarter— visiting a place is not complete if you don’t shop for souvenirs. Now, if you pack light you also shop a little smarter knowing that you have limited space in your luggage or bags. Traveling light will make you buy only the things you need.
  3. Flexible— with little things you carry with you, you can just hop on a train or bus easily or take a trike to get to where you want to be. You get to visit small places with the fewer things you bring with you.
  4. Easy to keep track— traveling light will make tracking your things a whole lot easier. Why? Simple! By traveling light you just need to pack the things that you can’t be without during your trip, the things that you can easily track. No need to check on the things you brought with you every hour during your trip to make sure that everything’s in place.
  5. Less stress— not having to worry where your things went will give you peace of mind and more time to enjoy your trip. You’ll be saved from the hassle of bringing one too many bags. Your back won’t hurt from the weight and it would be easier for you to locate the things you need.

Traveling light eases a lot of tension and stress, especially if you will be hopping from one van to another.

When you travel, make sure to bring only the important things. Maybe you can bring some extras just in case, but never your entire closet.

Traveling should be an escape from stress.  So, the next time you travel try to consider traveling light to enjoy the experience and save yourself from body pains that may result from carrying your heavy luggage. / dcb