Things to focus on in 2020 other than getting into a relationship

CEBU CITY, Philippines— This 2020 let’s widen our horizons and think of other things to focus on rather than getting into a relationship.

Yes, relationships are often seen as something important in one’s life, and truthfully, it is.

But why force things this 2020?

Read more: Why you should never rush getting into a relationship

Instead of focusing on getting into a relationship, try thinking about other things to focus your attention on.

Friends— when we get into a relationship we sometimes forget to hang out with our friends and be there for them in times of struggles. Focus on strengthening your bond this year and go out more often.

Career— if you are thinking about your long-term goals and achievements think of being better in the career you want to pursue. Your own person in making your life a lot better.

Travel— get out of town! Explore it alone! Sometimes, the things we think are best done with a partner can be done best alone. This is giving us a sense of independence. Try it! Get busy learning about a new place rather than stalking your crush the entire day.

Family— why look elsewhere to spend your time on? Spend it with your family, do trips often, ask them how their day was and keep everything together for your family. Be sure to be there and do things for them first before doing it to someone.

Yourself— always put yourself first. Think about doing the things best for you first, before giving your time and attention to someone. Build yourself up first.

Being in a relationship is a perfect cherry on top of our lives, it is not really a need to be in a relationship.

So before doing everything with a plus one, be sure you’ve done some of the things by yourself first. /dbs