Gazini Ganados shares her first dinner date experience with dad

Photo from: Gazini Ganados’ Instagram account.

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Miss Universe Philippines 2019 Gazini Ganados took to Instagram and shared her first date with her dad whom she has not seen since she was born.

Ganados posted a photo of her and her Palestinian dad in one of the pizza houses in Cebu City on January 24.


Read more: Gazini Ganados: “I’m blessed with many opportunities at 24”

That is how Ganados described her first date with her father after 24 years of not being able to see him.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I have always heard the stories of how my mom and dad first met. The year 1990. Now, here I am, 30 years later. The year 2020. Having my very first dinner date with my dad,” said Ganados.

Ganados, who grew up without any connection with her dad since her parents separated, touched netizens’ hearts with her heartfelt Instagram post.

Growing up under the care of her mother and her grandparents, Ganados admitted in some of her interviews before that she, after all these years still would want to meet her dad, and so it happened on Friday, January 24, after 24 years in the making.

It can be recalled during one of her interviews in  Rated K in June 2019, she shared that she never held grudges against her dad, and if they would reconnect again, she would ask him what were his story and experiences that she could learn from her dad.

In just a couple of hours after posting the post already has 70,000 likes and 1,964 comments as of January 25.

Indeed, this is a wonderful way of starting Ganados’ year with many things in store for her also from her Miss Universe stint last year./dbs