Pairs of slippers for those who won’t get far

Happy recipients of free slippers.

IT may not be much to others, but 21-year-old inmate Charlie was overjoyed after receiving a pair of slippers yesterday.

Charlie has been languishing in jail at Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) for attempted rape. He said he can now play basketball while in prison. He said his family has not visited him in two years.

“I understand that my family is far away from me. But I don’t like my mother to visit me because she will only cry and I would cry with her,” Charlie is one of 1,912 prisoners who received a pair of slippers yesterday.

Charlie said he only had a few shirts and pants and a pair of old slippers when he was taken in at CPDRC. He said it barely took him a month before his slippers worn out. From then on, he would borrow slippers from his fellow inmates.

Marco Toral, consultant of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC), said slippers are one of many essential goods given by the province to inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC).

“We allocated P30 for each pair of slippers for all the inmates. I’m glad it only took two weeks for the province to process our request,” Toral said.

He said they’ve been doing different programs for the CPDRC inmates, including the Alternative Learning System (ALS) to improve their welfare behind bars and the ongoing “dancing inmates” programs.