How to sign off from work while working from home

As the Coronavirus Disease pandemic continues, many of us are still encouraged to work from home, especially with the order to extend the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in certain regions of the country.

And while work from home enables us to avoid the busy commute and having more time for ourselves (plus a little more sleep,) there are a few downsides about WFH, too.

Ever find yourself working extra hours or constantly checking emails in the middle of the night?

Although we admit that it is difficult for us to switch off when home is our office, it does not mean we can’t do it.

Here’s a few tricks we learned on how you switch off from work when home is your office.

Be mindful of where you’re working

Not all of us have the benefit of having a spare room or a home office to work in while we are at home. But it is always worth trying to work in a room or a space that you’re unlikely to spend the rest of evening in. That way, when you’re done for the day and transfer to a different place (or your bed, perhaps), this will help you relax and discharge the feeling that you’re still inside an office.

According to HAPTIVE, an online workshop platform, it is better to avoid working in your bedroom. It is important to remember that you use your bed only for sleeping.

That way, your body knows that it’s time to switch off when you’re in there, rather than thinking about other things like work or answering emails.

Follow a routine in the day

Having a healthy working routine in the day, may it be having a feeling of regularity or a working rhythm, allows you to come to a close easily when you end your day.

If you follow a routine, you are more likely to stick to it and this makes it easier for you to stop working when your shift is done.

Get out and take breaks

It is quite difficult to switch off from work, especially in the middle of the day.

Take yourself out, or go on a short break if it is just a minuet or two to take yourself out of that bubble. It is also mentally beneficial to take regular breaks during your work.

For example, block 90 mins of work with a 15 minute rest. Disconnect and do something that brings you in the present.

By doing this, it makes it so much easier to flow into a rest after work, rather than pushing and pushing ’till you get burned out at the end of the day.

Switch off (literally) and unplug

It is less tempting to check if you got an email reply, or an update on a project if your laptop is not on the table or in a desk in front of you.

Put your laptop away and turn off the computer when you are done for the day. This will do you more good in the world that you can ever imagine.

Move that laptop into a drawer, or hide it away so you can’t see it and be tempted to open it. This might also be a perfect time to tidy your workspace, signaling that you are done for the day.

Plan an activity for the end of the day

When you’re in an office, at the end of your regular shift, employees say goodbye and announce they’re signing off for the evening.

HAPTIVE suggests that you can help draw boundary between work and reality by planning activities to do at the end of the day.

This may include: Meditating or calling family members and friends at the same time everyday to help you unplug from work and setting up to spend your evening in a relaxing tone. /bmjo