We appreciate you too, our dear ‘Backliners’


A reassuring message to backliners.

File photo.

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Frontliners have been receiving a lot of praise from the public because of the risk they have to face every day just to ensure everyone’s safety.

And just like our frontliners, we also have heroes backing our frontliners up.

Backliners, are what we call the people who show support to all our frontliners in ways they can.

Read more: What to know how easy you can help our frontliners? Here’s how

They have been their part of the crisis behind the limelight and ensuring that our frontliners and the general public are well taken care of.

Let’s take this chance to say thank you to our dear backliners:

Farmers and fishermen

 For bringing us food on our tables, thank you! Your sacrifices have long been heard even before the crisis came to be, but your service and dedication to continue moving forward in times like this are truly admirable and remarkable. Cheers to more harvest and catch!

Garbage collectors

With the virus freely roaming around, our garbage collectors are also at high risk. But they still continue to face the risks as well and collect all the garbage from our homes and even from hospitals to ensure that we live comfortably and in a clean environment.

PPE supplier and makers

For stepping up your game and for providing the needed things for our frontliners, you are indeed the backbone of every frontliner today. For looking for ways to make and create PPEs for our frontliners, thank you!


Those who get out of their way to feed the frontliners or to deliver the PPEs from one point to another they need to know that they are much appreciated, for their selflessness and for always having the back of the frontliners in time when they need assistance, thank you!

Those in the funeral industry

Little do we know that these people are still working and making time to give our departed loved ones the right kind of care before their earthly bodies leave the earth. Not just that, those infected with COVID-19 and succumbed to it, these backliners are the ones responsible to ensure that these departed ones are taken care of.

Without our backliners, our frontliners would have a more challenging task to keep everyone safe and satisfied, but with the help of these backliners, fighting this crisis has become more promising because of the tag team that has been formed with the backliners and frontliners.

Dasig lang mga backliners! /dbs