4 Banawa market vendors issued violation tickets for selling ‘overpriced’ goods

CEBU CITY, Philippines – Four vendors at the satellite market in Banawa, Cebu City were issued with violation tickets after they were caught overpricing the goods that they were selling.

Their prohibited acts were discovered during a surprise inspection by personnel of the Market Monitoring and Enforcement Team, said an advisory which City Market Operations Division posted on its Facebook page Tuesday night, May 12, 2020.

Overpricing is in violation of the price freeze imposed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Cebu City Market Code of 2007 “that prohibits the ‘unreasonable and unconscionable price increases.”

Earlier, the City Legal Office also asked 15 vendors coming from different public markets in the city to explain accusations of overpricing against them.

Read: 15 Cebu City vendors in question for alleged overpricing

If proven guilty, these vendors could face administrative sanctions for violation of the Market Code.  Penalties include the closure of stalls and termination of market space lease.

Photos below were taken from the Facebook page of the Cebu City Market Operations Division: