Quiot Pardo chief: Abellanosa Compound, not San Isidro, is recommended for lifting of lockdown

quiot pardo

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Barangay Quiot Pardo has recommended the lifting of the lockdown in Abellanosa Compound, Sitio Kalubihan, instead of San Isidro.

Quiot Pardo Barangay Captain Francisco Esparis told CDN Digital in a phone interview that the announcement made by Cebu City spokesperson, Rey Gelaon, was inaccurate.

Read: Lockdown in Sitio San Isidro, Barangay Quiot may be lifted

The village chief suspects that the spokesperson may have interchanged the two sitios since there are the only two areas placed under lockdown in the barangay.

CDN Digital tried to ask Gealon for a comment on this but the spokesperson was not available as of this posting.

Esparis said that Sitio San Isidro cannot be recommended for lifting of lockdown yet because there are two active cases in the area with 11 contacts.

The contacts were swabbed today, July 29, 2020, making it impossible for the barangay to recommend the lifting of the lockdown in the area.

On the other hand, the contact tracing results of Abellanosa Compound, Sitio Kalubihan arrived today yielding negative results.

The results proved that there is no community transmission in the area and the it can be lifted out of the lockdown.

“We recommended to Mayor Edgardo Labella to lift the lockdown of Abellanosa, Sitio Kalubihan,” said Esparis.

Esparis said the area has peacefully completed its 14-day quarantine and during the lockdown, they have received all the necessary aid from the barangay and city government.

He praised the cooperation of the residents in both sitios, who continue to stay at home during the lockdown period.

The village chief hopes the lockdown of Abellanosa Compound will be lifted soon so that the families in the area can go back to work. /bmjo