Five ways to feel good inside and out while at home

Just in case you needed to hear this today: it’s absolutely okay to admit you’re not doing fine.

With the many things going on right now in the world, this year indeed did not go as planned.

Living through this pandemic is not only challenging in many ways but also exhausting, emotionally and mentally.

Giving yourself a pause is necessary even if you’re just at home.

There’s a general rule that taking care of yourself is essential before you can take care of others and you have no reason to feel guilty about it!

While it’s only reasonable to worry about your job and your family, you also need to take a break, unwind and give yourself a simple treat once in a while.

Here are some simple yet essential ways to feel good inside and out even while at home.

1. Try a social media detox

Too much news about current events can sometimes make us feel anxious and hours of scrolling on social media can also be stressful for our mental health.

Relax by being away from your phone and going offline. | CDN Stock Photo

Going offline on your days off and balancing your social media intake can help minimize the negative impacts that the online world brings.

Keep your phone disconnected from the internet or set screen-time schedule and while you’re offline, you can finally catch up on your readings or prepare a new dinner recipe!

2. Exercise differently in another way

Sometimes, when you’re low in energy and motivation, the only way to boost your system is by having a quick sweat session to trigger endorphins.

Having alternate exercises and routines can add more fun to your workout session and strengthen not just your physical state but also your emotional state.

Have a few minutes to move and trigger your endorphins. | CDN Stock Photo

Want to switch it up? You can actually practice your dance skills by learning a new dance challenge and show off your moves on the internet and inspire someone else!

3. Catch up with long-lost friends or revisit a skill

We all have that one skill that have not been put in use for some time because of various reasons. But being unable to go out as usual can be an opportunity to rediscover why you enjoyed it so much in the past!

As we grow older, we may have forgotten some skills because we thought they were useless and could not give us anything valuable in return. But our circumstances today and the new normal have made us realize that happiness comes in many forms one way or another.

Schedule a virtual date with your childhood friends and relatives to reconnect. | CDN Stock Photo

Before the lockdown, many of us had lost the time to catch up with our childhood friends due to our hectic schedules. Now that we utilize the advantages of technology more than ever, there’s no easier way to catch up via video calls and virtual dates.

Sharing and reminiscing cherished memories with someone close to your heart can be a lovely way of de-stressing and prompt feelings of delight and optimism.

4. Don’t binge-watch all day!

If you think having a marathon of your favorite shows and movies can make you feel better, you might have to think again.

Laying in bed all day and not moving from your spot for long hours can actually make you feel worse than better.

No matter how limited our activities are at home, you have to mix up your hobbies and to-do list to avoid overthinking.

On your days off, you can have an indoor date night or cook your special dish. | CDN Stock Photo

Why not have an indoor hang out with your parents or give your pets that home grooming they deserve? You can even have a spa day at home if you like or try to grow new plants and become a plantita or plantito!

READ MORE: Are you a ‘plantito’ or ‘plantita’ of Cebu?


Researchers found out that people who apply creative changes in their daily routine like preparing a date night at home can make you feel happier.

5. Don’t forget self-love and self-care

Be gentle with your own thoughts as you are with your body, take time to rest and find little ways to detach yourself with what is going around you.

You already probably know by now that online shopping is the newest remedy when feeling blue and it’s actually therapeutic, isn’t it?

However, we must be extra careful and frugal now than we were before the lockdown.

But you can always prioritize the things that you “add to cart,”  stock up on self-care essentials and give yourself some love that you deserve even when you’re stuck at home.

Spoil yourself with self-care essentials. | CDN Stock Photo

Buy quality personal care products that can help you feel better.

With AyalaMalls Central Bloc’s latest development, you can now shop easier and buy essential with ANA – your Ayala Malls Neighborhood Assistant.

Buying materials and groceries for your new found hobbies such as gardening and baking is now made smooth and effortless.

Ayala Malls Neighborhood Assistant (ANA), is at your service daily from 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM. You may contact her through Viber at 0956 426 1692 or through Facebook Messenger at

Have your self-care essentials delivered to your home by using ANA! | Contributed Photo

Here’s how it works in four steps:

1. Find ANA Central Bloc on Facebook or on Viber at 0956 426 1692

2. ORDER your items through the mall ordering form. Message ANA to get the ordering form and fill up the ordering form completely and ANA will reach out after you submit your order

3. PAY your orders including a minimal service fee through GCash or Bank Transfer

4. Get your orders delivered straight to your door or PICK UP at the mall’s DRIVEBUY stations along the curb side of Padriga

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