‘Pink It Forward’: Waterfront’s contribution to celebrate ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’

Every October, the world shines bright in pink as a show to support for “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”

Joining the rest of the world is Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino with “Pink It Forward”, a virtual webinar in cooperation with ICanServe Foundation, Rotary Club of Cebu-Fuente, and CDN Digital.

This virtual webinar aims to help audiences to become aware of the importance of early detection for breast cancer and addresses the challenges of the new normal through food and fashion. It tries to get the message across by showing our support for breast cancer awareness including those who are affected.

Hosted by CDN Digital’s Immae Lachica, “Pink it Forward” will be aired on CDN Digital’s Facebook Page on October 16, 2020, at 5PM.

While we are slowly  going back to our normal lives, staying fit and eating the right kind of food while following the stringent guidelines imposed by the local government against COVID-19 go a long way towards surviving the new normal.

With the celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we continue to give importance to those, who are affected by the most prevalent disease affecting women, by showing them a sumptuous creation of Waterfront’s executive chef, Gilbert Alan Mathay, whose dish not only tastes excellent but packs anti-oxidants that fight off anti-bodies entering our system.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, people being treated for breast cancer may have a higher risk of severe illness if they acquire the virus. Some breast cancer treatments including chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy can weaken the immune system. Although staying at home may be the best option, eating food that boosts our system gives us an added advantage to lessen the chances of acquiring the virus.

Although some may still long to go outside, local authorities advised the general public to only go outside when it is truly necessary. While wearing face masks and protecting ourselves with PPEs (Personal protective equipment) you can always take it up a notch with Rei Escario’s fashionable hospital-grade PPEs, face masks, and face shields. These new normal essentials not only makes our modern women look and feel good, but Escario’s collection are also made from hospital grade materials to protect our women from the virus.

Surviving the new normal takes courage, and unity from the people and the communities. As women, who are suffering from breast cancer, surviving the most challenging times calls for unity and solidarity. Ron Bernabe- Flores of ICanserve foundation will lay-down the various activities prepared by the foundation in support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the whole year-round.

Anders Hallden, Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino’s general manager, will also be joining the webinar by giving the opening remarks, while Mary Anne Alcordo Solomon, Cebu Coordinator for ICanServe, will deliver the closing remarks.

It is said that when one works alone, a bridge may take years to build, but when a community of people comes together, things will become much easier. Let us join with the world as we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month through Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino’s virtual webinar dubbed “Pink It Forward”.
