Relationship myths you need to know


CEBU CITY, Philippines— Myths are everywhere.

It lingers in most places, things, or even in relationships.

Yes, little do some people know that in relationships, myths are also present.

Supposedly, myths help partners stay strong, but it usually ends up the other way around.

Myths aren’t true and this read will let you know what these relationship myths are.

Privacy means things aren’t real

You should not post everything on social media or let everyone know about the things in your relationship. It is not required to brag about your relationship always. Keep it cool and low-key to make your relationship more yours and not of theirs.

Should have more in common

Nope, definitely not. In every relationship, not all partners should act and love the same things. That makes things boring and predictable. Having some common interests is okay, but leave some excitement and love different things.

Fights ruin everything

Sometimes fights are the reason we fix things. The things partners have kept to themselves and have left unsaid for years. Fights can be eye-openers for a relationship. But remember, if you fight often that’s not healthy too, find the balance in things.

Changing your partners

This can be a good thing if your partner has been doing crazy things, like getting too addicted to vices. But if in normal situations, love your partner the way they are. Accept the way they dress, the way they communicate, or the way they put things that make them who they are. Don’t take their identity from them, let them be able to change for you and for themselves at their own pace.

Love is enough

Love is the foundation but it is never enough. Along with love should be trust, compromise, loyalty, and respect among others. Remember that love will always be there but it may not be enough reason to make a long-lasting relationship.

Myths are made to stir things up and make things exciting. But remember, these things are just, well, myths.

This time, choose to row your boat the way you want to.
