Foreign runners invade race

A total of 3,179 long distance runners have already enlisted for the annual Cebu City Marathon which will seize the city’s major streets on Jan. 12, 2014 at the Cebu IT Park.

Of this number, 2,200 are competing in the 42-kilometer race while 979 runners registered in the 21-kilometer half marathon including foreign racers from a dozen countries.

Organizers cited the recent accreditation given by the Association of International Marathons (AIMS) to the Cebu City Marathon for the massive boost in the number of foreign entries.

The Cebu City Marathon is part of the month-long celebration of the Sinulog festival.


The Cebu Executive Runners Club (CERC) with the help of Cebu City Government will be giving out a record total of P649,000 in cash prizes which is a huge increase from the P389,500 that race organizers shelled out last year.

The top winners in the 42K race will get the lion’s share of the booty. The men’s and women’s champions in the premier category will receive P100,000 each, a big increase from the P60,000 prize given last year. Local winners in the same category will get P20,000 each.

Unlike this year, the race’s 2014 edition will have a men’s and women’s open category and a local category both in the 42K and 21K races.

Meanwhile, the men’s and women’s 21K winners will receive P30,000 each with the local winners each getting P8,000.

The CERC and Run Rio have decided to extend registration to Dec. 16, giving last-minute entries a chance to register.

However, late registrants will be paying P1,800 for the 21K and P2,200 for the 42K instead of the P1,400 and P1,800 original fees respectively.

The fee includes a singlet, a guitar-shaped finisher’s medal, a finisher’s shirt, Runrio’s water sports bottle, Runrio towel and freebies from Safeguard, Gatorade and Milo.

Registration can be done online at or one can also register at the Ayala Active Zone.

The distribution of race singlets will be on January 8 to 10 at the Terraces and Active Zone of Ayala Center Cebu while the carbo-loading party will be at the Terraces on the 10th.