SVC PH offers 1.5M worth of cash incentives for vaccinated employees

Cebu-based BPO and Call Center Select VoiceCom (SVC) is offering P1.5 Million worth of cash incentives to its vaccinated employees.

The company’s initiative, aptly dubbed “Vaccine Nation”, hopes to encourage over 900 employees to get inoculated against COVID-19.

Trevor Michael, SVC President | Contributed Photo

“The vaccine is the best way that we can protect ourselves and others from COVID-19. The more people that are vaccinated, the safer everyone in our community will be, and the sooner we’ll get back to the life we knew before the pandemic,” said SVC President, Trevor Michael.

SVC has set aside a total of P1 million to be raffled off to its vaccinated employees. The jackpot prize is set at P300,000 along with equally generous secondary, tertiary, and minor prizes at P100,000, P50,000, and P20,000, respectively.

Elsie Avergonzado, SVC HR Manager | Contributed Photo

“This is the biggest raffle we’re hosting by far and the most important one at that. Our goal is to boost our employees’ confidence in the vaccines made available to us through public-private partnership initiatives such as Project Balik Buhay and other government initiated vaccination programs and to get them excited about the benefits of the vaccine,” shares SVC HR Manager, Elsie Avergonzado.

Dianne Carpio, SVC Recruitment Manager | Contributed Photo

“The chance to be a winner in the raffle is open to not only current employees but new hires as well, and SVC is looking to hire over 100 new agents in the next six weeks.” adds Dianne Carpio, SVC Recruitment Manager.

On top of the raffle, a P500 cash incentive will also be awarded to all fully vaccinated SVC employees. Employees will have to present their vaccine cards to redeem their incentives.

The vaccine is the best way that we can protect ourselves and others from COVID-19. The more people that are vaccinated, the safer everyone in our community will be, and the sooner we’ll get back to the life we knew before the pandemic.



SVC President

The highly anticipated raffle draw is set to happen during the company’s year-end party on December 11, 2021.

“We believe that this campaign will motivate our employees to get vaccinated as soon as it’s available. Through this initiative, we envision a workforce that is protected against this infectious disease that has drastically affected the way we live and work,” said Avergonzado.

SVC PH, INC. is an American and Australian-owned company providing BPO and Call Center services from its offices in Cebu IT Park.