Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan says minors may enter the city’s malls and establishments as long as they have their masks on. | Futch Anthony Inso
LAPU-LAPU CITY, Philippines — Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan will not bar minors from entering the city’s malls and other establishments.
Chan made the statement despite the plans of other local government units (LGUs) to ban children below 15-years old from entering malls.
The move was made after a 2-year-old boy in Metro Manila tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) after a mall visit.
Chan said that he will allow minors to enter malls, as long as they will keep wearing their face mask.
“They are allowed to enter in any establishment as long as they can wear a face mask. Those who are toodlers nga dili gyud ka wear, dili lang nato ipakuan kay very dangerous,” Chan said.
Aside from this, minors should always be accompanied by their fully vaccinated parents when entering malls and establishments.
“So importante gyud kaayo ang face mask. For me, 1 year old, two years old, as long they can wear a face mask, they can enter the establishment,” he added. /rcg
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