2 dengue deaths but no cause for alarm

Dengue cases in Balamban town, midwestern Cebu resulted in two deaths but the situation is not an epidemic, said a health official.

Reynan Cimafranca, chief of the DOH Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (Resu-7), said they are focusing their monitoring and preventive measures on barangay Buanoy.

“There is a proper proportion of patients and the population when you declare an epidemic,” he said.

As of 10 a.m yesterday, Resu-7 recorded 15 dengue cases in the town. The incidents   started three weeks ago with 30 suspected cases.

“The ages of the patients are mixed.  There are ch ildren and adults affected,” he  told Cebu daily News.

Most cases were from barangay Buanoy.

Health workers have sprayed pesticides in the area to kill dengue-causing mosquitoes.

“I also encouraged the public to maintain cleanliness and get rid of stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed and reproduce,” Cimafranca said.


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