Thank you, Ma for…..

CEBU CITY, Philippines— What comes to your mind when you hear the word, mother?

Some may say, loving.  Others may say, strong.  But I’m sure most of us would just want to say, thank you.

Mothers are not just our life-givers.  They are also our life guides. 

This Mother’s Day, don’t forget to say thank to these superwomen for all the things that they have done for us and for the people around them. 

Thank you, Ma for….

Checking up on us— it may be annoying at times but this is something that we will always treasure. Thank you, Ma for always checking on us while allowing us to explore on our own at the same time. 

Providing for us— not just financially. Thank you, Ma for giving us the strongest emotional support when we feel like breaking down. Thank you for always trying your best to give us good food, good memories, and a good life. 

Listening to us— we may not meet eye to eye sometimes but thank you for always listening to our whines, rants, and most especially when we celebrate small or big wins. Thank you for never judging us and for always allowing us to open up to you. 

Never leaving our side— for all the moments that you stayed by our side. You gave us strength to keep moving forward. Thank you for picking us up when we feel lost.

Loving us unconditionally—no matter how we may see ourselves, thank you for accepting us for who we are. 

Thank you, Ma, for literally everything that you’ve done for us and our family.

READ: How to celebrate Mother’s Day under the new normal

/ dcb