5 Tasty Meals That Will Surely Give You Happy Hormones at SM Seaside

The relationship between food and a person’s well-being is nothing new. It’s a fact that is both historically and scientifically documented. Food is one of life’s key pleasures, and lucky for us, it’s also a great way to uplift one’s mood, improve one’s outlook in life, and make one feel better. So check out the fine selection of tasty meals in SM Seaside City Cebu that’ll give you all the happy hormones you need, and then some!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Paolito’s Tuna Panga

Not all fat is your enemy. Take Omega-3, for example, one of the most wonderful polyunsaturated fats out there. It’s been known to reduce the risk of depression and increase cognitive functions and blood flow to the brain! This essential nutrient is abundant in fatty fish, like tuna, and at Paolito’s, you can get all the Omega-3 you need in their tasty tuna panga, fish maw that is grilled to succulent perfection.

Probiotics from Kimchi at Samgyupsalamat

Bacteria gets such a bad rap, but did you know there’s such a thing as good bacteria? That’s what probiotics are, and they help fight off infections and keep your gut health in balance. And as a Harvard study has revealed, a healthy gut equals a happier you, because of the gut-brain axis. Probiotics are also what makes kimchi taste so good, so eat kimchi and be happy at Samgyupsalamat!

Antioxidants from Veggies at Earl of Sandwich

If there’s anything we learned from school’s Nutrition Month, it’s that one can’t get enough health benefits from vegetables. There are so many good things you can get from fresh greens, and the best of them is antioxidants. They trap free radicals that can wreak havoc in your body. And even better is, at Earl of Sandwich, you can have your veggies in a variety of tasty ways! Have them sandwiched between bread or tossed in a salad, and feel your mood brighten up knowing you’re becoming healthier with every bite.

Dietary Fiber from Dishes at Lemon Grass

You know those solutions you pour into a clogged drain to free it up? Dietary fiber does the same thing to your tummy, promoting healthier bowel movement. But a new study has also shown that fiber staves off dementia and Alzheimer’s, and that’s always a good thing! So grab some dishes at Lemon Grass that are naturally high in fiber, like tom yum or papaya salad or fresh spring rolls, and take in all the tastiness and health benefits.

Caffeine from Café Americano at Coffee Bay

Let’s be honest: the smell of coffee alone is enough to perk someone’s mood. But apart from the deliciousness that comes with every cup, coffee in right amounts is also known for its caffeine, which helps one become alert and helps stabilize the mood; antioxidants, which we’ve already covered above; and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s even better when its drunk with no frills, so a café americano from Coffee Bay is just the ticket!

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