Barangay, SK Elections: How are winners proclaimed?

barangay sk elections campaign

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CEBU CITY, Philippines — With the Barangay and SK Elections fast approaching, some of us might be wondering how long will it take before a winner is proclaimed?

Commission on Elections in Central Visayas (Comelec-7) director, Lawyer Lionel Marco Castillano, said when voting is done, all election returns (ER) in every precinct are submitted to the barangay board of canvassers (BBOC).

“Ang barangay board of canvassers, ang iyang i-canvass ana ang election return sa matag presinto. So, iya na siyang i-canvass, i-tally na tanan,” Castillano told CDN Digital.

According to Comelec Resolution No. 10924, if the BBOC does not find any problem with the ERs, they would proceed to canvass by reading the votes of the candidate and entering the same in the Statement of Votes (SOVs).

After the BBOC is done with the SOV, they would make a certificate of canvass.

READ MORE: Barangay and SK Elections: Steps to voting

“Didto sa certificate of canvass, makita na didto kung kinsay number one. Who got the highest number of votes for barangay captain and for every position,” Castillano said.

Once all the SOVs are completed, the BBOC would prepare the certificate of canvass and proclamation (COCP).

Castillano said that the BBOC-signed COCP would be the basis in proclaiming the winning candidates.

He added that the proclamation of winners would be done at the school in the barangay where the voting took place.

What would happen if there’s a tie?

However, the Comelec-7 director said that the process would be delayed should there be candidates whose votes are tied.

“Kung mag tie [unya] naa diha ang duha ka kandidato, there and then, ilang i-break ang tie,” Castillano said.

The candidates would execute ‘draw by lots’ but if the other candidate is not present on that day, he would be given a notice.

“Notice-san siya nga kini nga tie, within five days from the date of canvassing, kinahanglan moari ka kay mag break ta sa tie,” Castillano said.

READ:  Barangay and SK Elections: Dos and Don’ts on election day

Meanwhile, in the ‘draw by lots’ procedure, Castillano said that the candidates would usually pick a number through rolled papers.

“Dunay mga gilukot nga papel unya magbunot sila didto. Kung kinsa’y number one, makadaog. Kung by agreement mag toss coin sila pwede pud. Pero ang mandatory is draw by lots,” Castillano said.

In the Comelec Resolution 10924, in cases where candidates for whatever position receives an equal and the highest votes, the BBOC would then proceed to the drawing of lots and proclaim as elected the candidates who may be favored by “luck.”

Impossible to conduct voting again

The Comelec-7 director said that those said procedures should be done only if there are tied votes because it would be “impossible” to conduct votation again.

“Di na pwede nga mag election ta’g balik para sa ilang duha. Kinahanglan i-break gyud na ang tie,” he said.

Moreover, the BBOC would create four copies of the COCP with signatures and thumbprints from all members.

They would use the SOVs to determine the winning Punong Barangay, seven Kagawads, one SK Chairperson, and seven SK Kagawads who received the most votes and proclaim them as elected.

READ MORE: How to find your precinct number for Barangay, SK elections

After the canvass of votes, the BBOC would hand over the envelope containing the compiled ERs to the city/municipal treasurer, who would securely store it in a locked safe.

The Election Officer (EO) will retain the key to the safe, ensuring the protection of these crucial documents, including ERs from various barangays.

The election day for the Barangay and SK officials is slated on October 30, Monday.
