Daily Gospel, April 30

Gospel May 16


This is the Daily Gospel for today, April 30, 2024, which is the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor.


Daily Gospel, April 29

Daily Gospel, April 28

Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew 25, 1-13.

At that time, Jesus spoke to His disciples this parable: The Kingdom of Heaven shall be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.

And five of them were foolish and five wise.

But the five foolish, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them.

But the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps.

And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.

And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh. Go ye forth to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.

And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out.

The wise answered, saying: Lest perhaps there be not enough for us and for you, go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves.

Now whilst they went to buy the bridegroom came: and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage. And the door was shut.

But at last came also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us.

But he answering said: Amen I say to you, I know you not.

Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.

Source: DailyGospel.org