Forgiving: Having a hard time doing it? Check out its benefits


CEBU CITY, Philippines—What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness is letting go of resentment or anger. It doesn’t mean reconciling or tolerating harmful behavior. It is crucial for the mental health of victims.

When we have wronged someone and realize the gravity of our actions, common sense tells us to ask for forgiveness.


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But what if the tables are turned? What if we are the victims? Would it be easy for us to accept an apology and forgive?

The process of forgiving is a long one, but once ready, letting go or forgiving has an amazing reward—freedom.

Wondering about the benefits of forgiveness? Read on:

Improves Mental Health:

Forgiveness helps reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and anger. It allows you to let go of negative emotions and promotes a more positive mindset.

Reduces Stress:

By releasing grudges and resentment, forgiveness lowers stress levels, making room for more calming energy. This helps you realign your thoughts and emotions.

Gives You Peace:

Forgiveness brings a sense of inner peace and emotional relief, helping you move past the hurt and focus on the present. It gives you a breath of fresh air when you no longer have to overthink things, and just let it go.

Enhances Relationships:

It can strengthen existing bonds by resolving conflicts and help build new, positive connections based on trust, understanding, and compromise.

Stops Victimhood Mentality:

Victimhood mentality is when you feel like the innocent victim and believe you can’t do anything about it. Feeling wronged can make you think your life is ruined and you have no control. Forgiving acknowledges the hurt but allows you to move on and regain control of your life. Instead of feeling powerless, you become the driver of your own life.

Yes, forgiving can be hard and it should not be handed out like flyers at the park.

No matter how many times we seek forgiveness or need to ask for it, remember the first step is always acknowledging your actions and taking accountability.


Some of us may find it easier to forgive others, but sometimes the most difficult person to forgive is the one we see in the mirror—ourselves.

We are often hard on ourselves, especially when we realize how much we had to endure with a person or situation.

Let all anger, resentment, and pain go today as we celebrate World Forgiveness Day.