Japanese boxer refuses win, apologizes to Filipino foe in Japan

Japanese boxer refuses win

Japanese fighter Keita Kurihara is shown in this screen grab kneeling and apologizing to Filipino boxer Renan Portes after he was declared the winner of their fight on July 22 at the Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan. Kuhihara said he believes Portes won the bout.  | Screen grab from Edmond Lapitan Dellosa’s video

CEBU CITY, Philippines —  An odd but heartwarming turn of events stole the spotlight last July 22 at the Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan when a Japanese boxer refuses his win against his Filipino opponent believing that the latter is the real winner.

Hometown boxer Keita Kurihara was fighting Filipino Renan Portes in one of the undercard bouts.

The bout, which lasted eight intense rounds, ended with a split decision win for Kurihara. Two Japanese judges scored the match 78-74 for Kurihara, while the third judge saw it 78-74 in favor of Portes.

The decision was met with immediate emotion and unexpected humility from Kurihara.


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As the decision was being announced, Kurihara, overcome with emotion, broke down in tears. Addressing the audience, he declared, “I didn’t win this fight.”

His heartfelt words resonated throughout the venue, as the Japanese fighter bowed as a gesture of apology and humility.

The event took an even more poignant turn when Kurihara rushed to Portes’ locker room. In a viral video circulating online, Kurihara knelt down apologizing to Portes.

There, through a translator, he expressed his deep regret. “I was declared the winner, but I believe I lost. It’s shameful that I was declared the winner. I apologize,” said Kurihara, visibly distraught.

In the locker room, emotions ran high. Portes, who had promised his child back in the Philippines that he would return a victor, found himself in a bittersweet moment.

“Panalo ka raw, sabi niya. Sa sarili niya talagang panalo ka, sabihin mo raw sa anak mo na panalo ka, ipaglalaban daw niya ipanalo ka,” the translator conveyed Kurihara’s words to Portes.

“Nag promise ako na bago uuwi ng Pilipinas, talagang hindi ako uuwi na talo. Sa sixth round na hilo ako, pero nag promise ako sa anak ko na uuwi akong panalo,” Portes shared emotionally, while Kurihara knelt in apology.

Kurihara’s record now stands at 19 wins, including 16 knockouts, eight losses, and one draw. On the other hand, Portes, with 13 wins (six by knockout), absorbed his 17th loss in 30 bouts.

To recall, Kurihara became popular in Cebu after knocking out Froilan Saludar at the NUSTAR Resort and Casino last January in the undercard of “Kumbati 16” of the Omega Sports Promotions.