Person of interest identified in death of saleslady found naked, burned

A person of interest in the gruesome murder and possible rape of a saleslady who was found naked and lifeless inside her rented house in Sitio Laguna, Barangay Bulacao, Cebu City, on Friday, August 2, has been identified. | Kap Dave Tumulak FB Photo

CEBU CITY, Philippines – Authorities here have identified a person of interest behind the death of a saleslady who was found naked and lifeless inside her rented house in Sitio Laguna, Barangay Bulacao, Cebu City, on Friday afternoon, August 2.

The man is believed to have a link to the death of 27-year-old Charina Baoy Relativo.

Relativo’s lifeless body was found inside her rented room in Brgy. Bulacao at around 12:30 p.m. on Friday.

She was naked and her hair was burned due to the fire from the butane stove.

The victim’s common law partner, Johnjie Gaviola, left to go to work at around 7 a.m. on Friday while Relativo was still asleep.

At around 10 a.m., Gaviola asked his friend to check on Relativo as she wouldn’t answer his messages.

READ: Mall saleslady found dead, naked in Cebu City home identified

His friend, Anthony Abalaya, went to the house and found Abalaya’s body at 12:30 p.m.

Relativo was found naked with her hair burned due to the fire from the butane stove.

Because of the victim’s lack of clothes when found, law enforcers believe that she was possibly raped.

Only a few hours later, 27-year-old Darren Alderson Tejano Cui has been identified as a possible person of interest in Relativo’s murder.    

Police, in a report, also disclosed that there were no signs of entry or any injuries indicative of violence or sexual assault based on the initial investigation.

As of this writing, Inayawan police are conducting a hot-pursuit operation and follow-up investigation on the incident.

Moreover, they are waiting for the result of the autopsy on the victim’s cadaver to determine the cause of her death. /with Marielle Surigao, CTU Intern
