Carbon Police Station: New chief takes over

Carbon Police Station: New chief takes over

Police Major Eric Gingoyon is now the station commander of the Carbon Police Station in Cebu City. | Cebu City Police Office FB Photo

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Personnel of the Carbon Police Station in Cebu City are now under the leadership of the new station commander Police Major Eric Cabuslay Gingoyon.    

Outgoing Carbon chief Police Major Philip John Libres has now been relieved of his duties and is designated to a different role. 

The turnover of office ceremony was held at the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) headquarters at around 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 5.


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Police Colonel Antonietto Cañete, acting city director of CCPO, presided over the turnover ceremony that was also attended by other police officials. 

Gingoyon was previously assigned at the Lapu-Lapu Police Office. Before that, he was the station commander at the Liloan Municipal Police Station.

With Gingoyon taking over, Libres will be assigned to an office outside of the CCPO.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Janette Rafter, deputy director for administration of CCPO, said that this turnover was part of the usual dynamics of the organization in order to advance the career of their personnel.


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She also said that the city director had instructed the new Carbon chief to treat deployment as the priority particularly because the area he would be in charge with is “very challenging.”

“With the limited number of our resources, ang instruction sa atoang city director is to prioritize gyud ang deployment. So mao na nga isa pud sa gi-emphaize gyud sa city director to maximize the resources in order to ensure na kana tanan mga establishment nato diha will be provided with the appropriate security,” said Rafter.

(With the limited number of our resources, the instruction of our city director is to prioritize the deployment. So that is one of the things that the city director has emphasized to maximize the resources in order to ensure that all establishments there will be provided with appropriate security.)

Gingoyon was also instructed to continue to coordinate with private establishments in the area in order to work together to prevent crime incidents from happening. 

According to Rafter, the acting director is now evaluating all the commanders of all the police stations in the city for other possible movement.

“He is evaluating actually the performances of our station commanders…Other than the evaluation of performances, evaluation also of how long they are already sa ilang mga respective occupied stations sa pagkakaron (in their respective occupied stations for now),” she said.

Rafter said that apart from the officers’ career advancement, this would all be a part of the agency’s efforts to ensure that they would be delivering better service to the public.