LSD run: The benefits in Low Slow Distance running

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Long Slow Distance (LSD) running is a key training method for athletes, especially long-distance runners, seeking to build endurance and improve overall performance. 

Unlike high-intensity workouts, LSD focuses on maintaining a steady, manageable pace over an extended period. 

It’s a simple yet highly effective way to build stamina, reduce injury risk, and improve mental fortitude.

Noted Cebuano coach Arvin Loberanis and other top coaches in Cebu use this type of training for athletes and even recreational runners. 


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What Is Long Slow Distance running?

LSD running involves covering a set distance at a relatively slow pace, typically at about 60-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. 

The goal is not speed but endurance, teaching your body to sustain effort over long periods without pushing to the point of exhaustion. 

This method is popular among marathoners and endurance athletes but can benefit anyone looking to improve their cardiovascular health.

Benefits of LSD running

Improves aerobic capacity

LSD running enhances the body’s aerobic capacity, which is crucial for endurance sports. By running at a slower pace for longer periods, your body becomes more efficient at using oxygen. Over time, this allows you to run longer distances without fatigue and improves your ability to recover quickly.

Builds Muscular Endurance

While high-intensity training can build strength and power, LSD running focuses on slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for long-duration efforts. These muscles become more efficient, allowing for better endurance in long races or prolonged physical activities.

Promotes fat utilization

Running at a slower pace teaches the body to use fat as a primary fuel source rather than relying solely on glycogen (stored carbohydrates). This helps conserve glycogen for when it’s needed most, such as in the later stages of a race, and can also aid in weight management.

Reduces injury risk

High-speed training can lead to strain or overuse injuries, especially if done too frequently. LSD running, however, involves a lower intensity, which reduces the stress placed on joints, tendons, and muscles. Incorporating LSD runs into your training routine can help prevent injuries by giving your body time to recover and strengthen.

Mental endurance and patience

Long slow runs offer mental benefits by teaching patience and mental resilience. Covering long distances can be mentally challenging, especially when maintaining a steady pace for hours. This mental toughness is crucial for completing marathons or ultramarathons and can even be beneficial in non-sporting areas of life.

Heart health

LSD running significantly improves cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure, improving circulation, and reducing the risk of heart disease. The steady pace allows your heart to become stronger and more efficient at pumping blood, improving overall heart function.

Accessible for all fitness levels

One of the great things about LSD running is that it’s accessible to almost anyone. Because it focuses on maintaining a low-intensity pace, even beginners can enjoy its benefits. All you need is consistency, and over time, you’ll see significant improvements in endurance and overall fitness.