IN PHOTOS: 7th Argao Cebu boardriding festival

Argao boardriding

Kevinvan Verzosa of Argao, Cebu, does an aerial exit big ollie, during the 7th Argao Cebu Boardriding Festival held last September 19-22, 2024, at Lawis Point, Poblacion, Argao. He managed to clinched a second place finish in the skimboarding competition masters category. The festival is part of the various activities for the feast day Argao patron saint, San Miguel Arcanghel. Contributed photo | Victor D. Kintanar

Now on its 19th year, the Argao Skimboarding competition continues to attract more participants from the Visayas and Mindanao regions.

The event evolved into a “Boardriding Festival” last 2018, that included competitions in skateboarding (downhill and surf skate) and stand-up Paddle (10km long distance and sprint).


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The 7th Argao Cebu Boardriding Festival was held last September 19 to 22, 2024.

The downhill skateboarding race was held at the mountain barangays of Catamg and Panadtaran. 

The surf skate competition was held at the Old Argao Pier in Barangay Poblacion, while the stand-up paddle and skimboarding competitions was held at Lawis Point, Poblacion, Argao. 

The festival is part of the various activities held in line with the feast day Argao patron saint, St Micheal the Archangel.

Prior to the competitions, a coastal clean-up and tree planting activities was spearheaded by the organizers of the event, Sali Argao Boardriding and Adventure Inc. (SABAI).

Here are some photos from the event:

Kailo Nedera of Tanuan, Leyte, executes a back side air during the 7th Argao Cebu Boardriding Festival held last September 19-22, 2024, at Lawis Point, Poblacion, Argao. He managed to clinched a fourth place finish in the skimboarding competition open category. The festival is part of the various activities for the feast day Argao patron saint, San Miguel Arcanghel. Contributed photo | Victor D. Kintanar

Ronnel C. Vallescas of Tandag, Surigao del Sur, executes a 180 shove-it during the skimboarding competition open category of the 7th Argao Cebu Boardriding Festival held last September 19-22, 2024 at Lawis Point, Poblacion, Argao. The festival is part of the various activities for the feast day Argao patron saint, San Miguel Arcanghel. contributed photo | Victor D. Kintanar

Japs Vargas of Tanuan, Leyte, does an aerial shove-it during the 7th Argao Cebu Boardriding Festival held last September 19-22, 2024 at Lawis Point, Poblacion, Argao. He managed to clinched a second place finish in the skimboarding competition open category. The festival is part of the various activities for the feast day Argao patron saint San Miguel Arcanghel. Contributed photo | Victor D. Kintanar