Be a world-class chef with ICAAC

Chef Jeremy Young of ICAAC (center)

A student’s culinary experience in International Culinary Arts Academy in Cebu (ICAAC) promises them world-class education.

The student’s two-year stint with ICAAC allows them to be trained under Cebu’s finest chefs and educators in the field of culinary art.

But it doesn’t only end there, just before a student graduates they will be given a chance to be exposed in the best training available. And that to work with the world’s best resorts and hotels in the United States.

Under the ICAAC’s program, students get to work in the school’s partner hotels and resorts in the US for 6 months to 8 months.

With this, students get to work and be trained by the different chefs and interact with students from different parts of the world. Students experience what its like to prepare huge functions and practice what they have learned from ICAAC.

According to Daniel Kenney executive chef of Seacrest Beach Hotel, Massachusetts that he has a big number of Filipino interns in his kitchen.

“They are mature, they are like sponge. They respect everyone that they work with.” he shares on his experience with interns from ICAAC.

“Their cooking skills are very good, consistency and dedication is there.” he adds.

For the past two years, ICAAC has 35 students work with partner establishments in the US.

ICAAC one of the best culinary schools in the Cebu started in 2002. It offers two year culinary arts program and a 5-month short course program. It’s program is based on the City & Guilds International Catering and Hospitality which provides students intensive culinary arts practical training education.

For more info on courses offered by ICAAC you may log on to or call 412-5241.