CDN columnist, groups honored in 888 Forum

A Cebu Daily News columnist and two government institutions  were honored during yesterday’s 9th anniversary  of the 888 News Forum at the Marco Polo Plaza.

CDN columnist Jaime Picornell, the  forum’s individual awardee, was recognized for his work as a journalist covering 52 years in Cebu media.

Picornell writes a lifestyle column in the paper and formerly served as honorary Consul of Spain. His  memoirs of life in Cebu, mentioning  society figures, personal travel , family and local scenes    in the 1960s to 1990s, draw readers to a separate Saturday column “Cebu: Memories of Home” which he started after reaching 50 years in the media industry.

The Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) of Cebu City and the Cancer Institute of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC) were given institutional awards.

OSCA was cited by the 888 Forum for ensuring the delivery of benefits and financial assistance for its members.

“This recognition encourages us to work hard in the best of our capability and interest,” OSCA official Lito Chavez said.

VSMMC was cited for providing affordable care to cancer patients.

The forum organizers also gave a token of appreciation to Marco Polo Plaza for hosting the 888 News Forum for the past seven years. Marco Polo Plaza’s general manager Julie Najar joined the trustees led by board  chairman Consul Bobby Joseph in cutting a  birthday cake.

Yesterday’s guests included  Cebu Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale and Dumanjug Mayor Nelson Garcia. The 888 News Forum began nine years ago to discuss tourism concerns. It has since evolved into a   weekly media forum tackling current events from politics to business and other issues that affect Cebu.