PNoy, Roxas in Cebu on Monday

THE  LIBERAL Party in Cebu is preparing to welcome President Benigno Aquino  and standard bearer Mar Roxas at a “gathering of friends”   at the  Cebu Coliseum at 2 p.m. on Monday.

Party sources said they would “thank” the President for his endorsing Roxas for the presidency in 2016.

About 5,000 people including politicians and sectoral group representatives are expected to attend.

Aquino, who  arrives in the morning,  will first  visit Daanbantayan town in north Cebu  to inspect  a road concreting project worth about P130 million, said Mayor Augusto Corro.

From there, Aquino will proceed to Cebu City for the LP gathering at 2 p.m. before he flies back to Manila.

“Local groups just wanted to thank the president for endorsing Roxas and for trusting him to continue his Tuwid na Daan,” said the CDN source who is part of the organizing group.