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Its been years since I saw a Pop/Rock concert. Last week, I went finally with family to “Songs of Summer,” an evening show of local bands. I had fun. Most likely because the bands were having fun…
Death is not entirely bad. Death is not the polar opposite of life, it is rooted to it like beginnings to their endings. And so we see this over and over again, cycles that begin and end.…
Chiaroscuro is the Italian word for light and shade. It is a principle every young artist learns early. Everything is a balance of light and dark. You need light to reveal the dark in the same way…
Some think Christmas or New Year; but for me, the year always pivots right around the month of May. And we might have only two seasons here. One being summer, the other being, not summer. May is…
After all, not everything has to be beautiful,” the young teacher said. Since the topic was art, the older teacher could only think to himself: If a thing is not beautiful, would people look at it? And…
Cronus Devouring his Children,” is a painting by Francisco Goya y Lucientes. He was official painter to the Spanish Royal Court of the late 1700s. Goya had seen the evils of unbridled power and its apocalyptic consequences…
Logic is defined by my computer’s dictionary as: “reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity…” Reason is defined as: “a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event…” Once upon a time, you…
Professor Madrilena de la Cerna remembers it as the “college that refused to die.” At one point in its history, the Philippine Congress “forgot” to include this state run Junior College in the national budget. This was…
I can hear it distinctly, to be sure, a soft voice on the edge of the range of hearing. I know I am hearing it, a faint humming with a soothing rhythmic time, like a nocturne from…
Can you measure the sacredness of a thing? By the standards of Wikipedia, to be sacred means to be “dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration.” This implies that as long as something is dedicated…
What seems a small conundrum for older people could have the weight of epiphany for the young. I am using epiphany here in the old sense of the Greeks, which Wikipedia tells us means, “an experience of…
Plato said, beauty is the “object of love;” Aquinas, that beauty is that which “pleases when seen…” Both believed that beauty is universal, true for all and everywhere, unchanging, immutable; As if it went according to the…
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