How to stay classy online

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Online etiquette.

Social media is for everyone. Yes, everyone can post, like, or share things online.

But there’s a fine line in making your posts and your social media life classy that can earn people’s respect.

The online world is such a free and crazy world, but it won’t hurt for us to keep our social media life simple and classy.

Here are a few things you need to practice to make your social media look less like a tabloid.

Don’t always react— you can share your thoughts and opinions to some pressing matters online that you think you need to speak about, but make sure you pick the right kind of issue you are reacting to. Remember not all issues require your reaction.

Don’t tag people too often— if you are promoting your business, let your business speak for itself, don’t always tag the personal accounts of your friends to make a point. The thing about it is that your friends’ feed may look like a “sari-sari” store full of tagged posts they didn’t approve of. Also, don’t tag your friends in some posts you think are funny for your but might be offensive for them.

Don’t pretend— in social media, you don’t have to impress anyone. Be the person you are in real life and bring it to your social media accounts. Don’t look the part, be the part.

Don’t overshare— consider your privacy at all costs. Don’t share too many things online regarding your life or your family’s life. Share responsibly online.

Don’t share your negative energy— instead of posting a long rant on your social media account, write that down somewhere private. You don’t want the world to know about your problems all the time.

Be mindful of your jokes— a lot can be lost in translation online. Be mindful of the jokes you share, remember not everyone can get your humor, always err on the side of caution.

These are just some reminders to keep our social media and real life less trashy and more classy.

Remember you get the right kind of attention from the people who find you or your posts worthy of their time.  


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