The body of barangay tanod, Ricardo Geromo, is found floating off the seawaters of Samboan town in southern Cebu this morning, June 12. | Contributed photo via Paul Lauro
CEBU CITY, Philippines — Police continue to investigate the possible cause of death of a barangay tanod, who had a gunshot wound in the stomach and whose body was found floating off the seawaters of Barangay San Sebastian in Samboan town, on Sunday morning, June 12, 2022.
Police Staff Sergeant Serge Berth Heramis, desk officer of Samboan Police Station, identified the victim as Ricardo Geromo, 42, a resident of Barangay Camburoy, Samboan town.
Police said Barangay Camburoy was at least six to seven kilometers away from where Geromo’s body was found in Barangay Sebastian.
Heramis said that they were able to identify the victim after they recovered his voter’s ID at the back pocket of the jeans that the he was wearing.
He said that initial investigation showed that Geromo told his brother on Saturday evening, June 11, that he would be going somewhere, but he did not provide details on where he was going.
That was the last time that his sibling saw him alive.
The next day, Sunday, around 7 a.m. on July 12, Geromo was found dead by a fisherman, a certain Romy Omaya, floating off the seawaters of Barangay Sebastian.
Heramis said the lower half of the body of the victim was still placed inside a sack while the upper part of the body was outside the sack.
He said that this probably was because the pressure of the sea waves possibly opened the sack.
The policeman said that the victim had a gunshot wound in the stomach.
He said the investigation on the barangay tanod’s death was still ongoing.
Samboan is a fifth class municipality situated 146 kilometers southwest of Cebu City.
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