Cracking the code of self-inflicted heartbreak


CEBU CITY, Philippines– Heartbreak, that universal ache we all know too well, often has an uncanny ability to sneak up on us. But here’s the twist: sometimes, we’re the puppet masters behind our own heartache. Curious?

Here are five captivating ways we craft our own heartbreak:

1. Holding On: Imagine repeatedly poking at a wound that’s healing. That’s what it’s like when we cling to people who no longer have a place in our lives. It’s like self-inflicted torture, and yet, we can’t seem to resist.

READ: How do you congratulate a friend who has moved on from a heartbreak?

2. High Expectations: Think about a time when you set your expectations sky-high, only to watch them crash land. Those inflated hopes can act like a wrecking ball on our hearts when reality doesn’t match our fantasies.

3. Dependence for Happiness: Picture this: your happiness is held hostage by someone else’s actions or words. It’s a risky gamble because real joy should well up from within, not be at the mercy of external factors.

READ: Traversing the heartbreak road

4. Changing People: Have you ever tried to mold someone into the perfect version you have in mind? Spoiler alert: it usually ends in frustration and disappointment. People have their unique quirks and qualities, and trying to change them is a recipe for heartache.

5. Overthinking Outcomes: Imagine constantly tossing and turning in bed, mulling over every possible outcome of a situation. The result? Mental exhaustion and a heart burdened by the weight of imagined scenarios. Sometimes, embracing uncertainty and going with the flow can lead to unexpected joys.

So there you have it, the intriguing ways we craft our own heartbreak. But remember, recognizing these patterns is the first step toward breaking free from self-inflicted agony and finding a more heartwarming path forward.

ALSO READ: Yes, a broken heart is real and can be fatal