Immerse yourself at bai Hotel Cebu’s Coffee Caravan

Coffee enthusiasts can look forward to an exciting event as bai Hotel Cebu and Wallstreet Coffee + Bar collaborate with Curve Coffee Collaborators to present Coffee Caravan. This all-day workshop promises to give participants a comprehensive understanding of everything related to coffee.

Whether you plan to set up your dream coffee shop, acquire a new skill, or simply learn about coffee, the Coffee Caravan is just what your coffee heart needs. 

Have you ever been so curious about the art of coffee-making and how baristas work their magic to create our daily caffeine fix? 

Mark your calendars for this exciting workshop happening on December 2, 2023, where you can dive into the fundamentals and expand your knowledge. The whole-day Coffee Caravan at bai Hotel Cebu will feature two courses. 

The first course, from 9 AM to 12 NN, is Barista 101, where participants learn the basics of being a barista by exploring the equipment, the essentials of coffee, and the qualities of a true barista.

The second course, from 2 PM to 5 PM, is about Manual Brewing. The phenomenon of manual coffee brewing refers to using hand-operated apparatus to produce coffee instead of relying on electrically powered machinery. The manual brewing techniques will be discussed as well. 

The bai Hotel Cebu Coffee Caravan training costs Php 6,000 net per person, including morning snacks, a lunch buffet at CAFÉ bai, afternoon snacks, a coffee kit, and a certificate. 

The training costs Php 6,000 net per person, inclusive of morning snacks, a lunch buffet at CAFÉ bai, afternoon snacks, a coffee kit, and a certificate.

Whether you plan to set up your dream coffee shop, acquire a new skill, or simply learn about coffee, the bai Hotel Cebu Coffee Caravan is just what your coffee heart needs. 

To enroll, one may click on this link or email For inquiries, call (032) 888 2500 or send a message on Facebook.