5 Movies and Series that will let you remember how much you ‘love being a woman’

love being a woman

Movies and Series that will let you remember how much you "love being a woman"

CEBU CITY, Philippines – Let’s face it – as modern-day women juggling work and life, just summoning the energy to do anything beyond the daily grind feels like a small victory. We often forget to take a moment for ourselves, to embrace our femininity, and to love being a woman.

For us hardworking gals, winding down involves diving into the world of movies and series online. Luckily, there’s a new wave of shows featuring women who are the epitome of strength and resilience – no damsel in distress. Just ladies who know how to relax.

In honor of National Women’s Month, CDN Digital rounded up 5 movies and series that perfectly capture the whirlwind of being a woman. They’re a reminder that, even on those crazy and painful period days, there’s a special kind of joy and solidarity that comes with embracing the beautiful journey of womanhood.

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  1. Little Women (2019)

    Directed by Gerta Gerwig, Little Women, originally written by Louisa Mae Alcott, has resurfaced social problems that women often encounter but ignore. The story revolves around the four March sisters—Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy—navigating their coming-of-age journeys between their childhood and adult lives, highlighting their aspirations, struggles, and societal expectations placed on women.

    May it be sharing their crushes’ names to exploding due to pent-up emotions, the movie has opened up some hidden and often disregarded emotions.

    As the relatable Jo March once said, “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship,’ basically saying facing life head-on and turning it into a grand adventure. These ladies aren’t waiting around for a prince charming to save them. They’re too busy chasing dreams, defying expectations, and proving that a woman’s place is wherever she wants it to be.

    READ: In praise of motherhood on Women’s Month

  2. Hidden Figures (2016)

    This movie proves that the world would crumble without a woman manning the sails—literally.

    Directed by Theodore Melfi, this historical drama highlights three African-American women mathematicians—Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson—at NASA during the 1960s Space Race.

    As “human computers,” they played vital roles in computing complex algorithms for one of the first successful space missions. Their brilliance and contributions during this transformative era are central to the film’s narrative.

    They didn’t just navigate the typical challenges of working in a male-dominated environment – they were superheroes fighting against stereotypes tied to their gender, race, and age. Talk about real influencers!

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  3.  Ocean’s Eight (2018)

    Who says women can’t pull off a heist?

    In this spin-off of the famous Ocean Trilogy, this series stars women: Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling, Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter, Awkwafina, and Sarah Paulson, spearheading a high-stakes giant heist, set in the city that never sleeps.

    This feminist movie, celebrated for putting women in the driver’s seat, is a masterclass in intelligence, skills, and the kind of camaraderie that makes you want to join the girl group, A-S-A-P.

  4.  Sex and the City

    This movie spills the real struggles of being a woman, and guess what? It’s not just a ’20s thing; it’s a ’40s thing too.

    Following the fabulous lives of four best friends in the Big Apple, the show throws outdated stereotypes out the window.

    Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha redefine success, love, and friendship on their terms.

    It’s a feminist anthem, breaking taboos, celebrating diversity, and proving that being unapologetically yourself is the ultimate power move. The show isn’t just about finding love; it’s about embracing your journey, flaws and all, surrounded by the support of your ride-or-die friends.

  5. Anne with an E

    Are you looking for a series you can binge on that flaunts out raw emotions and problems of being a growing young woman surrounded by a cruel environment?

    Serving as the series version of the beloved classic, “Anne of Green Gables,” Anne with an E revolves around Anne Shirley—a spirited orphan with an imagination so wild it becomes her escape from a tough start in life.

    Anne’s world is a mix of imagination and reality, making it a relatable journey for anyone who’s ever sought solace in their unique imaginings. It also delves deeper into Anne’s journey, addressing social issues such as feminism, bullying, and diversity, and how a resilient and free-spirited young woman challenges societal norms, fights for equality, and advocates for her right to dream big.

    READ: Celebrating women: Helping advance the cause of women empowerment and gender equality

As we embrace National Women’s Month, these movies and series go beyond being mere binge-watching options; they serve as mirrors, reflecting the diverse, powerful, and unyielding spirit of womanhood and love being a woman.

It’s more than entertainment; it’s an invitation to celebrate and uplift the incredible women we are and the extraordinary journey we’re on. Cheers to the stories that inspire us to be unstoppable!