Ellise Xoe Malilay settles for bronze in Thailand BJJ tilt

Ellise Xoe Malilay

Ellise Xoe Malilay holding her silver medal. | Contributed photo

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Cebuana Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sensation Ellise Xoe Malilay put on a convincing finish in the recently concluded  Thailand Open Youth Regional & Masters 2024 held in Bangkok, Thailand.

Malilay the younger sister of the equally-talented Eliecha Zoey competed for the Philippines in this international tournament.

She earned a silver medal in the under-18 girls -44 kilogram division.

READ: Malilay earned a silver in the IJJF Asian Youth Jiu-Jitsu tilt

Malilay defeated Thailand’s Kaelong Pinkaew in her first match, 16-0. She went on to win over Taiwan’s Chang Yun Tzu, 11-0, to ensure herself a silver medal.

READ: Malilay sisters flex potential in international Judo tilt debut

However, in the gold medal match, Malilay fell short against hometown bet Kaelong Pinmook via a 1-2 advantage for the Thai.

READ: Malilay siblings from Cebu are now BJJ world champs

Still, it was a convincing finish for the young Cebuana Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete who recently competed in an international tournament in Spain with her older sister.

All-in-all, the Philippine team brought home seven gold medals, two silvers, and three bronzes in their campaign in Thailand.

The gold medalists were Mara Sarinas (U16 girls -52 kgs), Evan Marcus Chang (U16 boys -40 kgs) Zeus Babanto (U16 boys +77 kgs), Chase Mapalo (U16 boys -62kgs), Sachi Khongkun (U18 girls -52 kgs), Vito de Luzuriaga (U18 boys -85kgs), and Earth Chang (U18 boys -56 kgs).