Patafa official mum on CCSC track oval’s ‘insufficient length’

CCSC track oval

The controversial CCSC track oval. | Glendale Rosal

CEBU CITY, Philippines– Officials overseeing the ongoing Palarong Pambansa at the Cebu City Sports Center (CCSC) have indicated that the track oval does not seem to be deficient in length.

Ma. Jeanette Obiena, technical consultant for Palarong Pambansa and a Philippine Athletics Track and Field Association (Patafa) official who is currently in Cebu for the Palaro, did not confirm reports suggesting that the CCSC oval falls short of its 400-meter measurement.

“We are not issuing a statement on this sensitive matter yet. We are awaiting the blueprint of the CCSC oval from the contractor,” Obiena said.


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Obiena stressed the importance of verifying the oval’s dimensions before making any definitive statements.

“This issue affects the certification process by World Athletics,” she added.


Concerns were raised about discrepancies in lane markings on the rubberized oval, which some officials attributed to inaccurate painting during recent renovations.

Despite these concerns, a long-time CCSC sports official, requesting anonymity, asserted that the oval’s overall length remains at 400 meters, consistent with their monitoring during the 2012 renovation overseen by foreign contractors.


“Though some lane markings appear slightly off, we believe the oval retains its exact 400-meter length. There may have been inaccuracies in measurement methods used recently, but this remains unverified,” the official stated.

“I hope the oval will be re-measured after Palarong Pambansa 2024 to clarify the reported discrepancies, particularly those arising from painting errors,” the official added.

The CCSC rubberized track oval has met quite a number of controversies lately. First when the track showed visible signs of damaged days before the Palarong Pambansa even started. The contractor however denied any negligence and blamed the damage to external factors.